
Thus, those foreign objects will activate the shell pallium constantly to excrete some nacres to surround them, which is the pearl sacs come from. (Ju

This is possible because the cubic zirconia is a man-made synthetic stone, while the diamond is a product of nature and has natural flaws. Finally, diamonds are highly heat-resistant; the cubic zirconia will shatter if it comes into contact with high temperatures. Fake diamonds are guaranteed to be snubbed by some people, but diamonds are a luxury item that can be financially prohibitive. Couples must decide if they can afford a fine diamond engagement ring before they get married. Lots of couples start out their marriages on a tight budget, so when they’re ring shopping they may steer clear of the diamond counters and instead browse through the displays of cubic zirconia rings. The cubic zirconia may be an imitation diamond, but there nothing cheap or low-quality about the stone. Actually, the growing popularity of the cubic zirconia has put the squeeze on real diamond sales. Of course, the two stones are distinctly different in many ways. First, unlike a diamond, the cubic zirconia can’t refract light like diamonds can. The cubic zirconia has a prism effect that allows a rainbow of colors to sparkle – more so than diamonds. The texture of the stones is also different – diamonds are famed for their hardness, and they can be cut cleaner than cubic zirconia. And yet ironically, cubic zirconia can have a perfect appearance, while diamonds can’t.